IT Transformation Consultancy

It is business initiative or non-profit organization or a small shop in roadside area, everything is impacted by information technologies now-a-days. People must aware of what is happening in technology sector related to one’s business areas. Otherwise how the customers are shifting their choice, customer churn, new customer accusation can be very difficult in this digital age.

In Fountain, our experts are in-depth practical experience transforming many different industries legacy, semi-automated process to fully automated IT process. We remember what Bill Gates says about the IT transformation: “Unorganized process transformation to IT can lead to more inefficiency”. So, we do care about your current legacy process and then identify the gaps & areas of improvement. Then we can recommend you off the shelf available solution in market OR can prepare a complete tender package so that you can select your potential IT service provider to deliver customized solution for you.

If you are interested individually or as a group, please reach us at